Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Ole Summertime FUN!

Fun in the summertime in Las Vegas is...

Splash parks to cool your overheated skin...
Chilling in a sea of water, his own personal paradise...

Wondering if it is possible to catch some of the sweet coolness...

and practicing being a monkey one last time!

Check out some other fun at You Capture - Fun

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Then and Now

Last week our sweet Andrew graduated from Kindergarten!  I seriously cannot believe how quickly this school year flew by.  It seems like just a moment ago that I was dropping him off on the first day with butterflies in my tummy and tears in my eyes.  When I dropped him off at school for his last day, I again had butterflies and tears.  Some things never change!!

Although I love that he loves his school, his teacher and especially learning, I am not ready for my baby to be away from me at school all day!!  Luckily, we have all summer before I really have to think about it!  We plan on enjoying EVERY moment.
 Andrew's 1st day of school

Andrew with his teacher on his last day of school

He has grown so more ways than I can count!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Perfect Pic...One Perfect Boy

This little boy...
loves his big brothers
rides a two wheeler bike
wants to be Indiana Jones when he grows up
never stops
can throw a fit like no other (he hates being told "no")
still falls asleep next to Mommy every night
loves life
always wants to play outside
has the sweetest face
is loved beyond measure
is my baby.