Thursday, June 3, 2010

One Perfect Pic...One Perfect Boy

This little boy...
loves his big brothers
rides a two wheeler bike
wants to be Indiana Jones when he grows up
never stops
can throw a fit like no other (he hates being told "no")
still falls asleep next to Mommy every night
loves life
always wants to play outside
has the sweetest face
is loved beyond measure
is my baby.


  1. sounds like you've got a pretty good kid ;)

  2. you left out "has a mom who takes great photos of him"
    Great shot!

  3. I'm not thinking mine are too perfect at the moment (LOL) but you know how it goes...

    I love close-up face shots, and he is a cutie.

  4. I love those tight shots of the kids. They change so fast; these pictures will be like gold one day!
