Monday, October 4, 2010

Four Years Old (or 4 Years Little)

Today is Jackson David, my sweet baby boy's 4th birthday!  I can't believe how quickly four years has slipped by.  I catch myself saying over and over that it seems like just yesterday that we were in the middle of the newborn fog, complete with midnight (and 2am, 4am, etc.) feedings, diaper changes, and newborn baby breath. 
But, today at four years old, Jackson is a wonderful mix of big boy and toddler.  Of independence and neediness. 

He is:
Big enough to run wild with the neighborhood kids outside, but
Small enough to run to his Mommy with tears spilling when someone hurts his tender feelings.

Big enough to choose his clothes each day, but
Small enough that they rarely match.

Big enough to stray from me and start his own games at the park, but
Small enough to hide behind my legs when a stranger asks him his name.

Big enough to be independent through out the day, but
Small enough to crawl into my lap and ask for a story.


Big enough to love without abandon, and
Small enough to love without abandon.

It is bittersweet for me that he is growing so quickly.  Jackson is my last baby.  Sometimes, I want to hold time still in any way possible.  I take pictures to freeze the moments.  I try putting books on his head to keep him from growing.  Not really, but you know what I mean!  When I am missing those baby snuggles, onesies, bottle feedings and yes, even midnight feedings, it is easy to turn those thoughts to what a wonderful person Jack is growing to be. 

He has the sweetest heart.  He loves legos, Harry Potter, and of course, Star Wars.  He loves to eat yogurt (he will even resort to sneaking it when he has had too many) and he loves helping me make dinner.  He says, "I want to make" when he wants to help me cook dinner.  I am so thankful that he was chosen to be my son and that I was chosen to be his mom.

Happy, happy birthday My Love.    You are growing to be a wonderful little person.  We are VERY proud of you!!!

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